OKRs in action: what John Doerr won’t tell you

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) have proven to be an effective goal-setting framework for companies like Intel, Google, Twitter. But are they also working well for smaller companies? What are some of the common hurdles companies face when implementing the OKR? What are some of the counterintuitive downsides of the system? Christina Monets, Director of Operations @ Very Good Security, will talk about how her team implemented OKR and survivedaligned employees’ goals with the company’s strategy.

Speaker: Christina Monets, Director of Operations @Very Good Security.

Christina has a broad experience in building teams and starting companies from scratch. Prior to joining Very Good Security, she had co-founded and launched two startups and had driven business development efforts at a software development company. At VGS, she does cross-domain magic, juggling people operations, project management, customer support and business growth. A mom of an artistic girl, she's an advocate for women support initiatives.

Audience: CEOs, managers, HR leaders and team members.

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